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CS506 - Web Design and Development Assignment No. 02 Close date May 23, 2014 Written Updates
CS506 - Web Design and Development Assignment No. 02 Solution and Discussion Spring 2014
Our task is to design a Student Grade Book (SGB) for XYZ Institute. At the present stage the Student Grade Book is managed manually by the employees of “XYZ” Institute. Each time to change Student Grade Book information, the admin needs to update the record manually in different locations/ places, which is a tedious job for the manager and also prone to errors.
As in the first assignment we had saved data of SGB in Excel File. So in this assignment we are going to create different Graphical User Interface (GUI), Perform different event handling and connect the GUI’s to database and perform different operations.
Solution Guidelines:
You are required to develop a GUI based application which includes different tabs and inside each tab there are different form controls (as shown in figures) like JLabel, JTextField, and JComboBox etc.
The main idea behind it:
First you have to create New Project in NetBeans
Then create “New File” in the project, so insert “JFrame” class and renamed it as “SGB”
Then from the “Palette” window, select “jTabbedPane”, dragged it and replace it on the JFrame
Then from the “Palette” window, select “jTLayeredPane”, dragged it and replace it on the jTabbedPane, so one tab will be created. So make two tabs and renamed it as “Student Profile” and “Student GradeBook”.
Each tab contains different controls as shown in figures
Similarly create two different java classes and named it as “StudentProfileData” and “GradeBookData”. In these classes write the code for retrieving data from the database and display it in table format.
For Event Handling and Database connectivity
Event Handling:
In NetBeans, Double click on a button (it will guide you to the design view and cursor will be blinking at a position). So you are required to add your event handling code in that section.
For Database:
First you have to create a database in MS Access named as “GradeBook”.
There should be two tables in “GradeBook” database named as “StudentProfile” and “GradeBook”
Set Data source name (DSN) “gradeBookDSN” for your database.
Other DSN will not be accepted.
Don’t change anything in the database template provided with the assignment file
Submit the complete working project(NetBeans project file) in zip format
Event handling and database connection must be work; otherwise you will get zero marks.
Your code must be enough for 20 marks

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